24 Naive Bayes for SMS spam

  • Datasets: sms_spam.csv
  • Algorithms:
    • Naive Bayes

Dataset: https://github.com/stedy/Machine-Learning-with-R-datasets/blob/master/sms_spam.csv

Instructions: Machine Learning with R. Page 104.

sms_raw <- read.csv(file.path(data_raw_dir, "sms_spam.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#> 'data.frame':    5574 obs. of  2 variables:
#>  $ type: chr  "ham" "ham" "spam" "ham" ...
#>  $ text: chr  "Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat..." "Ok lar... Joking wif u oni..." "Free entry in 2 a wkly comp to win FA Cup final tkts 21st May 2005. Text FA to 87121 to receive entry question("| __truncated__ "U dun say so early hor... U c already then say..." ...

24.0.1 convert type to a factor

sms_raw$type <- factor(sms_raw$type)
#>  Factor w/ 2 levels "ham","spam": 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 ...

How many email of type ham or spam:

#>  ham spam 
#> 4827  747

Create the corpus:

#> Loading required package: NLP

sms_corpus <- VCorpus(VectorSource(sms_raw$text))
#> <<VCorpus>>
#> Metadata:  corpus specific: 0, document level (indexed): 0
#> Content:  documents: 5574

Let’s see a couple of documents:

#> <<VCorpus>>
#> Metadata:  corpus specific: 0, document level (indexed): 0
#> Content:  documents: 2
#> [[1]]
#> <<PlainTextDocument>>
#> Metadata:  7
#> Content:  chars: 111
#> [[2]]
#> <<PlainTextDocument>>
#> Metadata:  7
#> Content:  chars: 29
# show some text
#> [1] "Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat..."
# show three documents
lapply(sms_corpus[1:3], as.character)
#> $`1`
#> [1] "Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat..."
#> $`2`
#> [1] "Ok lar... Joking wif u oni..."
#> $`3`
#> [1] "Free entry in 2 a wkly comp to win FA Cup final tkts 21st May 2005. Text FA to 87121 to receive entry question(std txt rate)T&C's apply 08452810075over18's"

24.1 Some conversion

# convert to lowercase
sms_corpus_clean <- tm_map(sms_corpus, content_transformer(tolower))
#> [1] "Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat..."
# converted to lowercase
#> [1] "go until jurong point, crazy.. available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... cine there got amore wat..."
# remove numbers
sms_corpus_clean <- tm_map(sms_corpus_clean, removeNumbers)

What transformations are available

# what transformations are available
#> [1] "removeNumbers"     "removePunctuation" "removeWords"      
#> [4] "stemDocument"      "stripWhitespace"
# remove stop words
sms_corpus_clean <- tm_map(sms_corpus_clean, removeWords, stopwords())
# remove punctuation
sms_corpus_clean <- tm_map(sms_corpus_clean, removePunctuation)


wordStem(c("learn", "learned", "learning", "learns"))
#> [1] "learn" "learn" "learn" "learn"
# stemming corpus
sms_corpus_clean <- tm_map(sms_corpus_clean, stemDocument)
# remove white spaces
sms_corpus_clean <- tm_map(sms_corpus_clean, stripWhitespace)

Show what we’ve got so far

# show what we've got so far
lapply(sms_corpus[1:3], as.character)
#> $`1`
#> [1] "Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat..."
#> $`2`
#> [1] "Ok lar... Joking wif u oni..."
#> $`3`
#> [1] "Free entry in 2 a wkly comp to win FA Cup final tkts 21st May 2005. Text FA to 87121 to receive entry question(std txt rate)T&C's apply 08452810075over18's"

lapply(sms_corpus_clean[1:3], as.character)
#> $`1`
#> [1] "go jurong point crazi avail bugi n great world la e buffet cine got amor wat"
#> $`2`
#> [1] "ok lar joke wif u oni"
#> $`3`
#> [1] "free entri wkli comp win fa cup final tkts st may text fa receiv entri questionstd txt ratetc appli s"

24.2 Convert to Document Term Matrix (dtm


sms_dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(sms_corpus_clean)
#> <<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 5574, terms: 6592)>>
#> Non-/sparse entries: 42608/36701200
#> Sparsity           : 100%
#> Maximal term length: 40
#> Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

24.3 split in training and test datasets

sms_dtm_train <- sms_dtm[1:4169, ]
sms_dtm_test  <- sms_dtm[4170:5559, ]

24.3.1 separate the labels

sms_train_labels <- sms_raw[1:4169, ]$type
sms_test_labels  <- sms_raw[4170:5559, ]$type
#> sms_train_labels
#>   ham  spam 
#> 0.865 0.135
#> sms_test_labels
#>  ham spam 
#> 0.87 0.13
# convert dtm to matrix
sms_mat_train <- as.matrix(t(sms_dtm_train))
dtm.rs <- sort(rowSums(sms_mat_train), decreasing=TRUE)

# dataframe with word-frequency
dtm.df <- data.frame(word = names(dtm.rs), freq = as.integer(dtm.rs),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

24.4 plot wordcloud

#> Loading required package: RColorBrewer
wordcloud(sms_corpus_clean, min.freq = 50, random.order = FALSE)
spam <- subset(sms_raw, type == "spam")
ham  <- subset(sms_raw, type == "ham")

Words related to spam

wordcloud(spam$text, max.words = 40, scale = c(3, 0.5))
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(corpus, tm::removePunctuation): transformation
#> drops documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(corpus, function(x) tm::removeWords(x,
#> tm::stopwords())): transformation drops documents

Words related to ham

wordcloud(ham$text, max.words = 40, scale = c(3, 0.5))
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(corpus, tm::removePunctuation): transformation
#> drops documents
#> Warning in tm_map.SimpleCorpus(corpus, function(x) tm::removeWords(x,
#> tm::stopwords())): transformation drops documents

24.5 Limit Frequent words

# words that appear at least in 5 messages
sms_freq_words <- findFreqTerms(sms_dtm_train, 6)
#>  chr [1:997] "abiola" "abl" "abt" "accept" "access" "account" "across" ...

24.5.1 get only frequent words

sms_dtm_freq_train<- sms_dtm_train[ , sms_freq_words]
sms_dtm_freq_test <- sms_dtm_test[ , sms_freq_words]

24.5.2 function to change value to Yes/No

convert_counts <- function(x) {
    x <- ifelse(x > 0, "Yes", "No")
# change from number to Yes/No
# also the result returns a matrix
sms_train <- apply(sms_dtm_freq_train, MARGIN = 2,
sms_test  <- apply(sms_dtm_freq_test, MARGIN = 2,
# matrix of
# 4169 documents as rows
# 1159 terms as columns
#> [1] 4169  997
#> [1] 4169
# this is how the matrix looks
sms_train[1:10, 10:15]
#>     Terms
#> Docs add  address admir advanc aft  afternoon
#>   1  "No" "No"    "No"  "No"   "No" "No"     
#>   2  "No" "No"    "No"  "No"   "No" "No"     
#>   3  "No" "No"    "No"  "No"   "No" "No"     
#>   4  "No" "No"    "No"  "No"   "No" "No"     
#>   5  "No" "No"    "No"  "No"   "No" "No"     
#>   6  "No" "No"    "No"  "No"   "No" "No"     
#>   7  "No" "No"    "No"  "No"   "No" "No"     
#>   8  "No" "No"    "No"  "No"   "No" "No"     
#>   9  "No" "No"    "No"  "No"   "No" "No"     
#>   10 "No" "No"    "No"  "No"   "No" "No"
sms_classifier <- naiveBayes(sms_train, sms_train_labels)
sms_test_pred <- predict(sms_classifier, sms_test)
#> 22.756 sec elapsed
CrossTable(sms_test_pred, sms_test_labels,
    prop.chisq = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE,
    dnn = c('predicted', 'actual'))
#>    Cell Contents
#> |-------------------------|
#> |                       N |
#> |           N / Row Total |
#> |           N / Col Total |
#> |-------------------------|
#> Total Observations in Table:  1390 
#>              | actual 
#>    predicted |       ham |      spam | Row Total | 
#> -------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
#>          ham |      1202 |        21 |      1223 | 
#>              |     0.983 |     0.017 |     0.880 | 
#>              |     0.994 |     0.116 |           | 
#> -------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
#>         spam |         7 |       160 |       167 | 
#>              |     0.042 |     0.958 |     0.120 | 
#>              |     0.006 |     0.884 |           | 
#> -------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
#> Column Total |      1209 |       181 |      1390 | 
#>              |     0.870 |     0.130 |           | 
#> -------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|

Misclassified: 20+9 (frequency = 5) 25+7 (freq=4) 23+7 (freq=3) 25+8 (freq=2) 21+7 (freq=6)

Decreasing the minimum word frequency doesn’t make the model better.

24.6 Improve model performance

sms_classifier2 <- naiveBayes(sms_train, sms_train_labels, 
                              laplace = 1)
sms_test_pred2 <- predict(sms_classifier2, sms_test)
#> 22.847 sec elapsed
CrossTable(sms_test_pred2, sms_test_labels,
    prop.chisq = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE, prop.r = FALSE,
    dnn = c('predicted', 'actual'))
#>    Cell Contents
#> |-------------------------|
#> |                       N |
#> |           N / Col Total |
#> |-------------------------|
#> Total Observations in Table:  1390 
#>              | actual 
#>    predicted |       ham |      spam | Row Total | 
#> -------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
#>          ham |      1203 |        28 |      1231 | 
#>              |     0.995 |     0.155 |           | 
#> -------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
#>         spam |         6 |       153 |       159 | 
#>              |     0.005 |     0.845 |           | 
#> -------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|
#> Column Total |      1209 |       181 |      1390 | 
#>              |     0.870 |     0.130 |           | 
#> -------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|

Misclassified: 28+7