Advances a step within the ODE solver

step(object, ...)



a class object


additional parameters


# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ application: ReactionApp.R # ReactionApp solves an autocatalytic oscillating chemical # reaction (Brusselator model) using # a fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm. importFromExamples("Reaction.R") # source the class ReactionApp <- function(verbose = FALSE) { X <- 1; Y <- 5; dt <- 0.1 reaction <- Reaction(c(X, Y, 0)) solver <- RK4(reaction) rowvec <- vector("list") i <- 1 while (getState(reaction)[3] < 100) { # stop at t = 100 rowvec[[i]] <- list(t = getState(reaction)[3], X = getState(reaction)[1], Y = getState(reaction)[2]) solver <- step(solver) reaction <- getODE(solver) i <- i + 1 } DT <- data.table::rbindlist(rowvec) return(DT) } solution <- ReactionApp() plot(solution)