To demonstrate graphically the difference between correlation and experimental data we will use the Hall-Yarborough correlation results.
The comparative analysis shows tables with different error measurements:
RMSE: Root Mean Squared Error
MPE: Mean Percentage error
MAPE: Mean Absolute Percentage Error
MSE: Mean Squared Error
RSS: Residual sum of Squares
MAE: Mean Absolute Error
MAAPE: Mean Arc-tangent Absolute Error
\(a_t\) are the observed true values. In our case the Standing-Katz chart \(z\) values;
\(f_t\) are the calculated or predicted values (the \(z\) values calculated by the correlations); and
\(n\) is the number of samples
RMSE, MSE and MAE are all scale-dependent measures since their scale depend on the scale of the data. MAE is very easy to calculate an understand but it affected by large outliers. MSE is also vulnerable to outliers and in different scale than the measured units. RMSE, the square root of MSE, would be preferrable but still is sensitive to large outliers.
A non-scale dependent measure is MAPE
though it could be sensitive to values close or equal to zero since it contains a denominator. To fix the problem with small numbers, a new statistical function was proposed by Kim and Kim in 2016 that applies the Arc Tangent of the MAPE
which prevents infinite when finds numbers closer to zero. The geometric explanation can be found if you picture a triangle where the tangent is \(| \frac {a_t - f_t} {a_t}|\), and \(\theta\) the angle for such triangle. We will see that as \({a_t}\) get smaller and closer to zero, MAPE
would tend to infinite, while MAAPE
with \(Arc Tan\) of the quotient would tend to \(\frac {\pi} {2}\).
Measure of accuracy, to compare errors of different calculation models for the same dataset.
\[RMSE = \sqrt {\sum_{t=1}^n \frac {(a_t - f_t)^2} {n}}\]
RMSE code
z_hy <- z.stats("HY")
sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("HY"))
hy <- ggplot(z_hy, aes(x = Tpr, y = RMSE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + theme(legend.position="none") +
ggtitle("HY - Root Mean Squared Error")
\[MPE = \frac {100%} {n} \sum_{t=1}^n \frac {a_t - f_t} {a_t}\]
MPE code
# sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("HY"))
hy <- ggplot(z_hy, aes(x = Tpr, y = MPE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + theme(legend.position="none") +
ggtitle("HY - Mean Percentage error")
\[MAPE = \frac {100} {n} \sum | \frac {a_t - f_t} {a_t}|\]
MAPE code
# sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("HY"))
hy <- ggplot(z_hy, aes(x = Tpr, y = MAPE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + theme(legend.position="none") +
ggtitle("HY - Mean Absolute Percentage Error")
\[MSE = \frac {1}{n} \sum_{t=1}^n (a_t - f_t)^2 \] MSE code
sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("HY"))
hy <- ggplot(sum_tpr, aes(x = Tpr, y = MSE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + theme(legend.position="none") +
ggtitle("HY - Mean Squared Error")
\[RSS = \sum_{t=1}^n (a_t - f_t)^2 \] RSS code
# sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("HY"))
hy <- ggplot(z_hy, aes(x = Tpr, y = RSS, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + theme(legend.position="none") +
ggtitle("HY - Residual Sum of Squares")
\[MAE = \frac {1} {n} \sum | {a_t - f_t} |\] MAE code
# sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("HY"))
hy <- ggplot(z_hy, aes(x = Tpr, y = MAE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + theme(legend.position="none") +
ggtitle("HY - Mean Absolute Error")
\[MAAPE = \frac {1} {n} \sum ArcTan \, | \frac {a_t - f_t} {a_t}|\] MAAPE code
hy <- ggplot(z_hy, aes(x = Tpr, y = MAAPE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + theme(legend.position="none") +
ggtitle("HY - Mean Arc-tangent Absolute Error")
z_bb <- z.stats("BB")
bb <- ggplot(z_bb, aes(x = Tpr, y = RMSE, color = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + ylim(0, 0.4) + theme(legend.position="none") +
## Warning: Removed 6 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("HY"))
hy <- ggplot(sum_tpr, aes(x = Tpr, y = RMSE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + ylim(0, 0.4) + theme(legend.position="none") +
sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("DAK"))
dak <- ggplot(sum_tpr, aes(x = Tpr, y = RMSE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + ylim(0, 0.4) + theme(legend.position="none") +
sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("SH"))
sh <- ggplot(sum_tpr, aes(x = Tpr, y = RMSE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + ylim(0, 0.4) + theme(legend.position="none") +
sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("N10"))
n10 <- ggplot(sum_tpr, aes(x = Tpr, y = RMSE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + ylim(0, 0.4) + theme(legend.position="none") +
sum_tpr <- as_tibble(z.stats("PP"))
pp <- ggplot(sum_tpr, aes(x = Tpr, y = RMSE, col = Tpr)) +
geom_point() + ylim(0, 0.4) + theme(legend.position="none") +
## # A tibble: 112 x 11
## Tpr Ppr z.chart z.calc RMSE MPE MAPE MSE RSS
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1.05 0.5 0.829 0.832 0.00347 -0.418 0.418 1.20e-5 1.20e-5
## 2 1.05 1.5 0.253 0.310 0.0569 -22.5 22.5 3.24e-3 3.24e-3
## 3 1.05 2.5 0.343 0.384 0.0415 -12.1 12.1 1.72e-3 1.72e-3
## 4 1.05 3.5 0.471 0.500 0.0286 -6.08 6.08 8.19e-4 8.19e-4
## 5 1.05 4.5 0.598 0.615 0.0171 -2.86 2.86 2.92e-4 2.92e-4
## 6 1.05 5.5 0.727 0.729 0.00210 -0.289 0.289 4.42e-6 4.42e-6
## 7 1.05 6.5 0.846 0.842 0.00447 0.528 0.528 2.00e-5 2.00e-5
## 8 1.1 0.5 0.854 0.857 0.00250 -0.293 0.293 6.27e-6 6.27e-6
## 9 1.1 1.5 0.426 0.473 0.0472 -11.1 11.1 2.23e-3 2.23e-3
## 10 1.1 2.5 0.393 0.414 0.0209 -5.31 5.31 4.35e-4 4.35e-4
## # … with 102 more rows, and 2 more variables: MAE <dbl>, MAAPE <dbl>