19 Finance

19.1 Getting Data

19.1.1 pandas_datareder OHLC EOD Pricing

  • HLOC columns are adjusted with splits
  • ‘Adj Close’ columns is adjusted with split and dividends
  • start and end date must be string
import pandas_datareader as pdr
#:>                  High        Low       Open      Close     Volume  Adj Close
#:> Date                                                                        
#:> 2015-01-02  18.280001  18.020000  18.260000  18.219999  1689000.0  15.345568
#:> 2015-01-05  18.240000  17.760000  18.240000  17.820000  2667800.0  15.008673
#:> 2015-01-06  17.799999  17.500000  17.780001  17.600000  5042600.0  14.823381
#:> 2015-01-07  17.700001  17.580000  17.600000  17.580000  4913200.0  14.806539
#:> 2015-01-08  17.680000  17.559999  17.580000  17.600000  4121100.0  14.823381
#:> ...               ...        ...        ...        ...        ...        ...
#:> 2019-12-24  20.020000  19.719999  20.000000  19.820000  1405800.0  19.361732
#:> 2019-12-26  19.860001  19.639999  19.820000  19.680000   600300.0  19.224972
#:> 2019-12-27  19.940001  19.660000  19.680000  19.879999  1325700.0  19.420345
#:> 2019-12-30  20.000000  19.780001  19.879999  19.980000  2180200.0  19.518034
#:> 2019-12-31  19.900000  19.400000  19.799999  19.440001  3430600.0  18.990520
#:> [1239 rows x 6 columns] Splits and Dividends

This method is similar to getting pricing data, except that different data_sources is used.

  data_source = 'yahoo-actions',
#:>               action     value
#:> 2015-05-07  DIVIDEND  0.130000
#:> 2015-02-05  DIVIDEND  0.117500
#:> 2014-11-06  DIVIDEND  0.117500
#:> 2014-08-07  DIVIDEND  0.117500
#:> 2014-06-09     SPLIT  0.142857
#:> 2014-05-08  DIVIDEND  0.117500
#:> 2014-02-06  DIVIDEND  0.108930 Merging OHLC and Splits/Dividends

prices = pdr.DataReader('AAPL',
  data_source = 'yahoo',

actions = pdr.DataReader('AAPL',
  data_source = 'yahoo-actions',

Use pandas.merge() function to combine both prices and splits dataframe in a new dataframe. Non matching line will have NaN.

pd.merge(prices, actions, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True) \
#:>                  High        Low       Open      Close action     value
#:> 2014-06-06  23.259285  23.016787  23.210714  23.056072    NaN       NaN
#:> 2014-06-09  23.469999  22.937500  23.174999  23.424999  SPLIT  0.142857
#:> 2014-06-10  23.762501  23.392500  23.682501  23.562500    NaN       NaN
#:> 2014-06-11  23.690001  23.367500  23.532499  23.465000    NaN       NaN
#:> 2014-06-12  23.530001  22.975000  23.510000  23.072500    NaN       NaN

Alternatively, use pandas column assignment from the splits dataframe into price dataframe, it will automatically ‘merge’ based on the index. This approach reuse existing dataframe instead of creating new one.

prices['action'], prices['value'] = actions.action, actions.value
#:>                  High        Low       Open      Close action     value
#:> Date                                                                   
#:> 2014-06-06  23.259285  23.016787  23.210714  23.056072    NaN       NaN
#:> 2014-06-09  23.469999  22.937500  23.174999  23.424999  SPLIT  0.142857
#:> 2014-06-10  23.762501  23.392500  23.682501  23.562500    NaN       NaN
#:> 2014-06-11  23.690001  23.367500  23.532499  23.465000    NaN       NaN
#:> 2014-06-12  23.530001  22.975000  23.510000  23.072500    NaN       NaN Query Multiple Stocks

** When multiple symbols are supplied to DataReader, dictionary containing multiple stock’s result are returned.

stocks = ['MLYBY', 'AAPL']
my_dict = pdr.DataReader( stocks,
  data_source = 'yahoo-actions',

#:> dict_keys(['MLYBY', 'AAPL'])

Iterate through the dictionary to get the dataframe data

for i in my_dict.items():
  print('\n\nStock: ', i[0],
        '\nDataFrame:', i[1])
#:> Stock:  MLYBY 
#:> DataFrame:               action  value
#:> 2015-04-22  DIVIDEND  0.178
#:> 2014-09-24  DIVIDEND  0.152
#:> 2014-04-29  DIVIDEND  0.192
#:> Stock:  AAPL 
#:> DataFrame:               action     value
#:> 2015-05-07  DIVIDEND  0.130000
#:> 2015-02-05  DIVIDEND  0.117500
#:> 2014-11-06  DIVIDEND  0.117500
#:> 2014-08-07  DIVIDEND  0.117500
#:> 2014-06-09     SPLIT  0.142857
#:> 2014-05-08  DIVIDEND  0.117500
#:> 2014-02-06  DIVIDEND  0.108930

19.1.2 yfinance


  • Support Yahoo only, a better alternative
  • This library has advantage of calculating adjsuted OHLC by split and dividends.
  • Dividends and Splits are conveniently incorporated into pricing dataframe, so no manual merging necessary.
  • Multiple symbols are represented in columns
  • This library provides stock information (not all exchanges are supported though) Stock Info

There are plenty of infomration we can get form the dictionary of returend by info

import yfinance as yf
stock = yf.Ticker('AAPL')
#:> dict_keys(['zip', 'sector', 'fullTimeEmployees', 'longBusinessSummary', 'city', 'phone', 'state', 'country', 'companyOfficers', 'website', 'maxAge', 'address1', 'industry', 'previousClose', 'regularMarketOpen', 'twoHundredDayAverage', 'trailingAnnualDividendYield', 'payoutRatio', 'volume24Hr', 'regularMarketDayHigh', 'navPrice', 'averageDailyVolume10Day', 'totalAssets', 'regularMarketPreviousClose', 'fiftyDayAverage', 'trailingAnnualDividendRate', 'open', 'toCurrency', 'averageVolume10days', 'expireDate', 'yield', 'algorithm', 'dividendRate', 'exDividendDate', 'beta', 'circulatingSupply', 'startDate', 'regularMarketDayLow', 'priceHint', 'currency', 'trailingPE', 'regularMarketVolume', 'lastMarket', 'maxSupply', 'openInterest', 'marketCap', 'volumeAllCurrencies', 'strikePrice', 'averageVolume', 'priceToSalesTrailing12Months', 'dayLow', 'ask', 'ytdReturn', 'askSize', 'volume', 'fiftyTwoWeekHigh', 'forwardPE', 'fromCurrency', 'fiveYearAvgDividendYield', 'fiftyTwoWeekLow', 'bid', 'tradeable', 'dividendYield', 'bidSize', 'dayHigh', 'exchange', 'shortName', 'longName', 'exchangeTimezoneName', 'exchangeTimezoneShortName', 'isEsgPopulated', 'gmtOffSetMilliseconds', 'quoteType', 'symbol', 'messageBoardId', 'market', 'annualHoldingsTurnover', 'enterpriseToRevenue', 'beta3Year', 'profitMargins', 'enterpriseToEbitda', '52WeekChange', 'morningStarRiskRating', 'forwardEps', 'revenueQuarterlyGrowth', 'sharesOutstanding', 'fundInceptionDate', 'annualReportExpenseRatio', 'bookValue', 'sharesShort', 'sharesPercentSharesOut', 'fundFamily', 'lastFiscalYearEnd', 'heldPercentInstitutions', 'netIncomeToCommon', 'trailingEps', 'lastDividendValue', 'SandP52WeekChange', 'priceToBook', 'heldPercentInsiders', 'nextFiscalYearEnd', 'mostRecentQuarter', 'shortRatio', 'sharesShortPreviousMonthDate', 'floatShares', 'enterpriseValue', 'threeYearAverageReturn', 'lastSplitDate', 'lastSplitFactor', 'legalType', 'lastDividendDate', 'morningStarOverallRating', 'earningsQuarterlyGrowth', 'dateShortInterest', 'pegRatio', 'lastCapGain', 'shortPercentOfFloat', 'sharesShortPriorMonth', 'category', 'fiveYearAverageReturn', 'regularMarketPrice', 'logo_url'])
#:> Apple Inc. OHLC EOD Pricing

Split Adjusted

  • OHLC columns are adjusted with splits (when auto_adjust=False)
  • ‘Adj Close’ columns is adjusted with split and dividends
  • ‘start’ and ‘end’ date must be string
stock = yf.Ticker('AAPL')
stock.history(  start='2014-06-06', end='2015-06-15', auto_adjust = False)
#:>                  Open       High        Low      Close  Adj Close     Volume  Dividends  \
#:> Date                                                                                      
#:> 2014-06-06  23.210714  23.259285  23.016787  23.056072  20.639763  349938400        0.0   
#:> 2014-06-09  23.174999  23.469999  22.937500  23.424999  20.970028  301660000        0.0   
#:> 2014-06-10  23.682501  23.762501  23.392500  23.562500  21.093121  251108000        0.0   
#:> 2014-06-11  23.532499  23.690001  23.367500  23.465000  21.005835  182724000        0.0   
#:> 2014-06-12  23.510000  23.530001  22.975000  23.072500  20.654472  218996000        0.0   
#:> ...               ...        ...        ...        ...        ...        ...        ...   
#:> 2015-06-08  32.224998  32.302502  31.707500  31.950001  29.103498  210699200        0.0   
#:> 2015-06-09  31.674999  32.020000  31.405001  31.855000  29.016962  224301600        0.0   
#:> 2015-06-10  31.980000  32.334999  31.962500  32.220001  29.349443  156349200        0.0   
#:> 2015-06-11  32.294998  32.544998  32.119999  32.147499  29.283403  141563600        0.0   
#:> 2015-06-12  32.047501  32.082500  31.777500  31.792500  28.960032  147544800        0.0   
#:>             Stock Splits  
#:> Date                      
#:> 2014-06-06           0.0  
#:> 2014-06-09           7.0  
#:> 2014-06-10           0.0  
#:> 2014-06-11           0.0  
#:> 2014-06-12           0.0  
#:> ...                  ...  
#:> 2015-06-08           0.0  
#:> 2015-06-09           0.0  
#:> 2015-06-10           0.0  
#:> 2015-06-11           0.0  
#:> 2015-06-12           0.0  
#:> [257 rows x 8 columns]

Split and Dividends Adjusted

  • OHLC columns are adjusted with splits and dividends (when auto_adjust=True)
  • Therefore, ‘Adj Close’ column is redundant, hence removed.
import yfinance as yf
stock = yf.Ticker('AAPL')
stock.history(  start='2014-06-06', end='2015-06-15', auto_adjust = True)
#:>                  Open       High        Low      Close     Volume  Dividends  \
#:> Date                                                                           
#:> 2014-06-06  20.778198  20.821679  20.604594  20.639763  349938400        0.0   
#:> 2014-06-09  20.746228  21.010312  20.533619  20.970028  301660000        0.0   
#:> 2014-06-10  21.200545  21.272161  20.940937  21.093121  251108000        0.0   
#:> 2014-06-11  21.066260  21.207255  20.918553  21.005835  182724000        0.0   
#:> 2014-06-12  21.046122  21.064026  20.567191  20.654472  218996000        0.0   
#:> ...               ...        ...        ...        ...        ...        ...   
#:> 2015-06-08  29.353996  29.424594  28.882603  29.103498  210699200        0.0   
#:> 2015-06-09  28.852998  29.167263  28.607055  29.016962  224301600        0.0   
#:> 2015-06-10  29.130824  29.454196  29.114883  29.349443  156349200        0.0   
#:> 2015-06-11  29.417761  29.645488  29.258353  29.283403  141563600        0.0   
#:> 2015-06-12  29.192314  29.224196  28.946368  28.960032  147544800        0.0   
#:>             Stock Splits  
#:> Date                      
#:> 2014-06-06           0.0  
#:> 2014-06-09           7.0  
#:> 2014-06-10           0.0  
#:> 2014-06-11           0.0  
#:> 2014-06-12           0.0  
#:> ...                  ...  
#:> 2015-06-08           0.0  
#:> 2015-06-09           0.0  
#:> 2015-06-10           0.0  
#:> 2015-06-11           0.0  
#:> 2015-06-12           0.0  
#:> [257 rows x 7 columns] Splits and Dividends

Getting both Splits and Dividends

#:>             Dividends  Stock Splits
#:> Date                               
#:> 2014-06-09     0.0000           7.0
#:> 2014-08-07     0.1175           0.0
#:> 2014-11-06     0.1175           0.0
#:> 2015-02-05     0.1175           0.0
#:> 2015-05-07     0.1300           0.0

Getting Dividends Only

#:> Date
#:> 2014-08-07    0.1175
#:> 2014-11-06    0.1175
#:> 2015-02-05    0.1175
#:> 2015-05-07    0.1300
#:> Name: Dividends, dtype: float64

Getting Splits Only

#:> Date
#:> 2014-06-09    7.0
#:> Name: Stock Splits, dtype: float64 Query Using Periods

Available periods are: 1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 1y, 2y, 5y, 10y, ytd, max

stock = yf.Ticker('AAPL')
#:>                   Open        High         Low       Close     Volume  Dividends  \
#:> Date                                                                               
#:> 2020-10-20  115.999868  118.775087  115.430850  117.307617  124423700        0.0   
#:> 2020-10-21  116.469064  118.505551  116.249442  116.668724   89946000        0.0   
#:> 2020-10-22  117.247713  117.836701  114.392638  115.550644  101988000        0.0   
#:> 2020-10-23  116.189547  116.349275  114.083180  114.841873   82572600        0.0   
#:> 2020-10-26  113.813643  116.349269  112.685584  114.851852  111850700        0.0   
#:> ...                ...         ...         ...         ...        ...        ...   
#:> 2020-11-16  118.919998  120.989998  118.150002  120.300003   91183000        0.0   
#:> 2020-11-17  119.550003  120.669998  118.959999  119.389999   74271000        0.0   
#:> 2020-11-18  118.610001  119.820000  118.000000  118.029999   76322100        0.0   
#:> 2020-11-19  117.589996  119.059998  116.809998  118.639999   73860200        0.0   
#:> 2020-11-20  118.639999  118.769997  117.500000  117.610001   54692629        0.0   
#:>             Stock Splits  
#:> Date                      
#:> 2020-10-20             0  
#:> 2020-10-21             0  
#:> 2020-10-22             0  
#:> 2020-10-23             0  
#:> 2020-10-26             0  
#:> ...                  ...  
#:> 2020-11-16             0  
#:> 2020-11-17             0  
#:> 2020-11-18             0  
#:> 2020-11-19             0  
#:> 2020-11-20             0  
#:> [24 rows x 7 columns] Query Multiple Stocks

  • **Use download() function to query multiple stocks.
  • By default, it is grouped by column. Access data in result['Column']['Symbol']
  • To group by Symbol, use group_by parameter. With this, access data in result['Symbol']['Column']
  • By default, threads=True for parallel downloading.
stocks = ['MLYBY','AAPL']
df1 = yf.download(stocks, start='2014-06-06', end='2014-06-15')
[                       0%                       ]
[*********************100%***********************]  2 of 2 completed
df2 = yf.download(stocks, start='2014-06-06', end='2014-06-15', group_by='ticker')
[                       0%                       ]
[*********************100%***********************]  2 of 2 completed
print('Group by Column Name:\n', df1['Close']['AAPL'], '\n\n',
      'Group by Symbol:     ]n', df2['AAPL']['Close'])
#:> Group by Column Name:
#:>  Date
#:> 2014-06-06    23.056072
#:> 2014-06-09    23.424999
#:> 2014-06-10    23.562500
#:> 2014-06-11    23.465000
#:> 2014-06-12    23.072500
#:> 2014-06-13    22.820000
#:> Name: AAPL, dtype: float64 
#:>  Group by Symbol:     ]n Date
#:> 2014-06-06    23.056072
#:> 2014-06-09    23.424999
#:> 2014-06-10    23.562500
#:> 2014-06-11    23.465000
#:> 2014-06-12    23.072500
#:> 2014-06-13    22.820000
#:> Name: Close, dtype: float64

19.1.3 world trading OHLC EOD Pricing

19.2 Charting

import cufflinks as cf  # Cufflinks
#cf.set_config_file(offline=True)  # set the plotting mode to offline

19.2.1 Price Comparison

stocks = ['XOM']
df = yf.download(stocks, start='2020-01-01', end='2020-01-30')
stocks = ['CVX']
df = yf.download(stocks, start='2019-01-01', end='2019-12-31')
# stocks = ['AAPL','MLYBY', 'PUBM.KL', 'HLFBF','1295.KL']
# stocks = ['AAPL','MLYBY', 'PUBM.KL', 'HLFBF']
stocks = ['AAPL']
df = yf.download(stocks, start='2020-01-01', end='2020-01-30')
stock = yf.Ticker('PUBM.KL')
stock.history(  start='2014-06-06', end='2015-06-15', auto_adjust = True)
stock = yf.Ticker('1295.KL')
stock.history(  start='2014-06-06', end='2015-06-15', auto_adjust = True)
stocks = ['MLYBY']
df = yf.download('MLYBY', start='2018-12-03', end='2019-03-21')