

Before you start the training process, you need to know our data. You make a random function to test our model. \(Y = x3 sin(x)+ 3x+0.8 rand(100)\)


x = np$random$rand(100L)
y = np$sin(x) * np$power(x, 3L) + 3L * x + np$random$rand(100L) * 0.8

plot(x, y)

Before you start the training process, you need to convert the numpy array to Variables that supported by Torch and autograd.

Converting from numpy to tensor

Notice that before converting to a Torch tensor, we need first to convert the R numeric vector to a numpy array:

# convert numpy array to tensor in shape of input size
x <- r_to_py(x)
y <- r_to_py(y)
x = torch$from_numpy(x$reshape(-1L, 1L))$float()
y = torch$from_numpy(y$reshape(-1L, 1L))$float()
print(x, y)
#> tensor([[0.6965],
#>         [0.2861],
#>         [0.2269],
#>         [0.5513],
#>         [0.7195],
#>         [0.4231],
#>         [0.9808],
#>         [0.6848],
#>         [0.4809],
#>         [0.3921],
#>         [0.3432],
#>         [0.7290],
#>         [0.4386],
#>         [0.0597],
#>         [0.3980],
#>         [0.7380],
#>         [0.1825],
#>         [0.1755],
#>         [0.5316],
#>         [0.5318],
#>         [0.6344],
#>         [0.8494],
#>         [0.7245],
#>         [0.6110],
#>         [0.7224],
#>         [0.3230],
#>         [0.3618],
#>         [0.2283],
#>         [0.2937],
#>         [0.6310],
#>         [0.0921],
#>         [0.4337],
#>         [0.4309],
#>         [0.4937],
#>         [0.4258],
#>         [0.3123],
#>         [0.4264],
#>         [0.8934],
#>         [0.9442],
#>         [0.5018],
#>         [0.6240],
#>         [0.1156],
#>         [0.3173],
#>         [0.4148],
#>         [0.8663],
#>         [0.2505],
#>         [0.4830],
#>         [0.9856],
#>         [0.5195],
#>         [0.6129],
#>         [0.1206],
#>         [0.8263],
#>         [0.6031],
#>         [0.5451],
#>         [0.3428],
#>         [0.3041],
#>         [0.4170],
#>         [0.6813],
#>         [0.8755],
#>         [0.5104],
#>         [0.6693],
#>         [0.5859],
#>         [0.6249],
#>         [0.6747],
#>         [0.8423],
#>         [0.0832],
#>         [0.7637],
#>         [0.2437],
#>         [0.1942],
#>         [0.5725],
#>         [0.0957],
#>         [0.8853],
#>         [0.6272],
#>         [0.7234],
#>         [0.0161],
#>         [0.5944],
#>         [0.5568],
#>         [0.1590],
#>         [0.1531],
#>         [0.6955],
#>         [0.3188],
#>         [0.6920],
#>         [0.5544],
#>         [0.3890],
#>         [0.9251],
#>         [0.8417],
#>         [0.3574],
#>         [0.0436],
#>         [0.3048],
#>         [0.3982],
#>         [0.7050],
#>         [0.9954],
#>         [0.3559],
#>         [0.7625],
#>         [0.5932],
#>         [0.6917],
#>         [0.1511],
#>         [0.3989],
#>         [0.2409],
#>         [0.3435]])


As you can see below, you successfully performed regression with a neural network. Actually, on every iteration, the red line in the plot will update and change its position to fit the data. But in this picture, you only show you the final result.